
An Adventurous Artful Life

Nautical skillset necessary for Entrepreneurship


The Waters of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is aptly suffixed with the word “-ship.” Like captains of seafaring vessels, anyone daring enough to enter the shark-infested waters…

31 Creative idea starters to carry you from dark to sparkling!

31 Inspiring Prompts for Writers

Something to Spark your Inspiration when the Writing Fireworks Fizzle out As a writer everything depends on you. Not to say that it doesn’t for…

Mapping Your Story Out guides you through blind spots - in life and writing.

Mapping Your Story Out

You are the author of your life. You are the hero of your own story. Put another way, mapping your story out should carry high…

The reason why I wrote American Wild is most likely not what you think.

Why I Wrote American Wild

It’s Not What You Might Think I know its possible to “back into” being an author because I did. Why I wrote American Wild had…

Life got you feeling penned in? Well, it's no match for some trusty clippers and patience. Here I am setting the (dog) Pen free. (pun intended!)

Setting the (dog) Pen Free

In other words, Clearing Debris to Find Your Opportunities The 1900 House we moved to in February 2024 came with land – and some hidden…

The 1900 House Comes into View.

The 1900 House

How We Met So…we did this thing. I could try and tell you all the backstory but that would take so long I’m just going…

What does An Adventurous Artful Life look like?

Welcome to An Adventurous Artful Life

Young and naive perhaps, I remember thinking I would pick a life path (read: career) and set a steady course for about 30 years or…

New historical fiction release Author Marissa Hale to Speak on American Wild book

Marissa Hale Speaks About New Historical Fiction Release

Marissa Hale will speak April 11th about her new historical fiction release, American Wild. The book launched late 2023 as a 3-category #1 Hot New…


Writing Capacities: Listening

Writing is the fruit of a writer’s discipline. However, as every farmer will tell you, much happens between seed, time, and harvest. It’s the same…